This is our preliminary task. The dialogue was given to us in advance so we needed to follow that script.
I think that camera work in our FIRST! experience of using it in group is quite good. We have used tracking shot of Anri walking in the room then we used 180 degree rule over shoulder shots and some close ups. Of course when we were filming our thriller we were more advanced and prepared so we knew what and how we are going to film.
In our thriller we were brave enough to shoot in interesting angles because we were more aware of how to use camera. Also to film this we were very short in time and to film our thriller we had whole day so obviously we had chance to try stuff that's why thriller camera work was more effective than prelim task.
Mise-en-scene in our preliminary task is not really important because our main task was to use camera and 180 degree rule and we had to use what was in the editing suit. We had headphones, furniture that was in the room and keyboard we used them to create simple story line. In the thriller we were thinking about our props, set and costumes in advance to make sure that we are sending the right massage to the audience. Therefore we were more prepared and serious about M-E-S. We were very lucky to have snowy day on the location we have chosen. The military modern costumes were in costume department in the school and we knew about it in advance so we didn't have to buy it or search for it. Guns were also property of our school so we had what we needed the only thing we had to do is to tell it to them before filming and everything wil. be fine.
Editing on our preliminary task was effective for the first time. We've putted actions in the right time and story line made seance so I think we did very well. Of course when we were editing our thriller we did better in case of effects and number of shots we've filmed helped us to choose the best. We added special effects of blood and sniper scope and for that we used special programme. We learned arrange of different editing techniques and we were able to use them in editing process. We learnt to edit for perspective and create meaning for a character, we learnt how to cross - cut which helped the audience understand what the narrative is for our thriller. We also had shot reverse shot so we could see how different characters were perceived in different shots and finally we had couple of different sequences that we watched through and decided witch one is the best.
When we were working on sound on our prelim task we didn't spend much time on editing it. We just used sounds which were with pieces of video we've putted together when in thriller we had to listen sounds from different channels to pic the best one also we had to add so extra sound effects and we haven't done it in the prelim task. We added soundtrack and other SFX to make it look more professional and interesting to watch.
Audience for my thriller is mostly male but action genre is becoming popular through women as well. Also watching age is over 18 up to approximately 34 usually no kids or school age. So in overall our main audience is male teenagers and young adults. Therefore it's easy to guess what are they doing in their free time. I think our main audience is gamers they enjoy watching violence on the screen so they are more likely to see our action thriller. We are using young actors so teenagers will feel more involved because characters are the same age with them. Main actor is young and handsome so maybe girls also will be interested.
I am not sure about music our target audience would listen to but I guess that might be pop, hip hop or maybe dub step music.
Also gamers are usually students in universities, schools and colleges so they usually playing computer games on their free time so I would suggest that they'll watch our thriller on internet in the break between playing video games.
Films they probably seen is James Bond, Matrix, The Transporter etc.
Your movie is low budget but the storyline is typical for action movies. We have violence, fights, guns, love, hate, betrayal, dedication and so on.
Also we have young female caracter that will attract mans attention as well. In action movies they actually using attractive woman to involve male audience so as we did.
Vertigo Films is a UK Media company founded in 2002 to create and
distribute commercially driven independent cinema. I think that Vertigo film company will like our idea and they might film it. Our movie is hopefully will be interesting or young adults and adult probably male audience.
This film company made similar genre of movies as we want to make action thriller. They published Sweeney which is pretty close to our scenario so if this movie was successful they might want to publish one more. Also they made action thriller "Pusher" which is also alike your film.
Our Film will be seen on DVDs ad in Internet. I don't think it would be successful in US but it might go on screen in Russia. Also we can sell it to American company or distributed in the UK by Vrtigo.
Target audience of this company is young adults and teenagers. This is our suggested audience for our movie.
I think Vertigo Films is perfect decision for us.