Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Task 3:What we learned from audience feeback? Pt.1

In order to get the response from our audience we uploaded the music video to YouTube. This was made to get the response if our ideas were clear, effective and successful. Right now we gained almost 900 views and we are waiting for more views and comments about the work that we've done.
This is the link to Hurtwood YouTube channel where you can watch our video

Task 3: Focus Group

A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members.


Task 3:The SurveyMonkey

To get audience feedback we had to use Monkey Survey. This website allows to create questioners online and send it to people who you want to ask. this is the link to our questioner below. You are free to follow it and answer those 10 questions to help us collect information.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

YouTube Statistics

Reaction Group

We've chosen people with different music tastes to get range of reactions in order to find out how wide our music video's audience is. Here Is example of their reactions.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Task 1: In what way do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Music Video

Link to see the video The 1975 - City

Link to the video Arctic Monkeys- One for the road
The 1974- GIRLS
Little Death- The Neighbourhood

Analysis of the conventions in my music video shows that in most cases I ether supported or developed them. It had all of the typical shots that you'll see in any performance band music video, it has attractive lead singer and a lot of attention was driven to him, it also had female character that can attract male audience as well as half naked body of a man which will attract female audience at the same time.  

Task 1: In what way do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? WEBSITE

I looked up on some indie alternative bands websites and most of them are black and white. Anyway, I would look at 3 of them.


The iconic B&W website with their most popular and recognizable video  "SWEATER WEATHER", promotion of their latest album "I LOVE YOU",  links to their profiles in social networks, videos, music, tours etc.

Again Black and White website with a big name of their group on the top right, promoting new single from the latest album "AM" and latest video on "DO I WANNA KNOW"

THE 1975

This website is the most inspiring for me the style of the band is clearly seen trough the look of it and it also represents their music genre. I really liked the idea of connecting insagram account to the main site so fans can see their news, tours, cities etc. All of their pictures are in the same filter so it sums up their style.

Task 1: In what way do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? CD Digi Pack


Task 1: Conventions of CD Digipak

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Researching inspiration for the album cover

The 1975

This group is very similar to the project that we are creating for the music video. Their album cover is very simple and plane. They use the logo and the name in neon light this is a suitable cover for an alternative band.

 This is another alternative band which targets the same audience, style and genre as our project. As you can see they have a specific cover per each song but the pictures are not really stylised and I would say random.

The Neighborhood

 The NBHD cover is again very simple but attractive. They have a flipped picture of the cloud and the logo i the middle. 

Here is other examples of album covers that will inspire us for our own. This examples include some artist that are not in the same music genre and not targeting our audience but still is very interesting and relative to our aims.